Friday, October 30, 2009


Well aren't I just the LUCKIEST girl in the world!
1. If I want a new phone ill have to pay close to....300 something dollars :l
3.I feel like im about to break down
My life isnt the worst but Im just not happy with how things are right now... and YES, I do know that thats how life is, no one can always be happy...BUT things are really getting to me right now -_-, I wish I could just cease to exist for a little
That may seem a little drastic but to me it means that I could then STOP..just stop everything ,if that makes sense?
And NO I dont wanna die I just reborn!
And NO those first two reasons arent totally why Ive been in a pissy mood but they do add to everything else happening in my head >_>xD

1 comment:

  1. remember that even in your suffering... you are exquisite and in possession of a marvelous unique and blessed perspective that emanates from the center of a being that really is the center of the universe rolling and twirling with wonder and beauty and erotic powers of seduction!
    live wild!
    live free!
    untie the body, untie the mind!
