Wednesday, October 7, 2009


do you ever wish that you could just go back? Wouldn't it be great to just stop, and bring yer life back to a moment when you felt as if you were on top of the world! Like many others I have done lots of stuff I regret..I admit at most times in my life I was rushing to grow up and becoming a person that I was not ready to be. If only I could erase paticular moments in my life when I made big mistakes and or missed out on big oppurtunities :/. Hah like most people I look back on things ive done and have been through;I always wonder why i didnt stop and question certain things or hault and realize that what I was doing would only be on my conscious for say..hmmm... forever!!! Sometimes when I think about things ive done and should do, I wonder if my mistakes can get any worst! I know Im young and all bbut hey Ive done some major stuff that Im not to enthustiastic/happy/jazzed up about...those things were just not me at all. And the way im describing my mistakes may make things come off as if i did drugs or clear things i havent done anything that bad!!!IDK I understand that God is testing my endurance and capability to handle
different situations but I dont do so well with making mistakes! D: hmmm.. the more you face the stronger you are bound to become that's the way I see it!
Hey I guess it's true, you can't live in the past so focus on the present and new possibilities that can be granted tomorrow(n.m)...

1 comment:

  1. Yea, same here.
    I think that all us, humans, have done at least 10 minor/major mistakes we wish we could have avoided/rewound and started it all over. So your not the only one! :)
