Wednesday, October 7, 2009


today was a blah day :]...full of both good and bad things I should say. I have tons of algebra hmwk D:! and.. I also have to write my intro for my essay(analyzing narratives(BLAH))! OH YEAH, I have the suckiest group in science..we got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! done today :/...for the first hour of class we had to work on this questionaire.. and I spent the last 30 min trying to get them to pay attention! If they dont do any work tomorrow Im asking the teacher if I can work by myself because I don't want anyone jeopardizing my grade! Im a very controlling person and when people dont listen I start to loose it so science wasnt so good today v_v


  1. Eeek. I'm not a big fan of science. :/ Sounds like a greaattt group. :P

    Oh, and yes. Liquid eyeliner would go on just like pencil eyeliner...or whatever you call the soild eyeliner...that isn't liquid.... xD

  2. ...Tonight's gonna suck 4 me 2
