Saturday, December 19, 2009


This year has just blew pass me!
Talk about epiphanies! I believe that I have changed so much over the years...For me every new year is about becoming a better person in some way. This year I have come to appreciate my family so much more, and I have also pushed towards over looking what people think about me. Haha I guess like every year that has came and the ones that are to come are just years of discovery. Just last year me and my cousins were care free youngins dancing on my grandmother's coffee table, my brother was kicking me out of his room, everyone got together for everything and anything, etc. NOW! my older cousins are in the 10th grade! Me and my brother finally understand each other, and my family has grown up and apart (we try and get together as much as we can). It seems as if taking each day at a time makes things go by so much faster. Time never stops so I can do nothing but keep living my life. I do not fear death but I appreciate life so much more-- Im trying to go into 2010 with a new attitude and an improved look on life. I am not totally ready to just dive into 2010 but I will make the best of it!

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