Friday, February 26, 2010

"If I ruled the world"

Yaa Asantewa:Ashanti Empire
Tiye: Nubian Queen of Kemet
Nzingha: Amazon Queen of Matamba West Africa Nefertiti: Queen of Kemet
Nandi: Queen of Zululand
Makeda: Queen of Sheba
Cleopatra VII: Queen of Kemet
Thutmose III: Pharoah of Kemet Taharka: King of NubiaShaka: King of Zulus
Somary Toure: King of SudanOsei Tutu: King of Ashante
Askia Toure: King of Songhay Idris Alooma: Ruler of Bornu Hannibal: Ruler of CarthagePharoah Akheton:Creator of Monotheism
Off to Chicago
"Chicano man" xD
Saviours day 2010
What shall i expect?
Master Fard Muhammad
133 years of divine knowledge and plenty more to come of teaching

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I have SOLE
Who needs Monday-THURsday when you've got the weekend?

My latest obsession: italicizing xD
Breakfast of Champions; Champions of Breakfast
"This is the story of a Champion Rounders in the mob and they pop the guns stand up, stand up here he comes tell me what it takes to be number one"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Got Melanin?

"Im from the center of the Earth, brewed with cruel oil..."
-Pep Love Melanin Magnetic

Monday, February 22, 2010

A compelling need or desire for food


one of the only places where i trust that sitting on the toilet seat wont give me a weird butt rash

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Curse you Eygptians? I think...

the worst thing about school is that you actually have to be there v_v

A Flower in a Field of Gray

:( it's time to knock this cold weather Im SO ready for spring :) (i.e my favorite). Winter has been so depressing lately... and that's because idk, it's not spring?xD

Toxic yet Washable

Why color inside the lines when it's so much fun coloring outside?

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Not to bag on fasting during lent but cmmon!when muslims fast they don't say: 'oh i guess ill just give up something that I dont really like anyways' (not saying that all catholics do) they go without food for the majority of everyday and give up things others dont eat for the whole month! Basically Im saying if you are true to your religion and God step your game up!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Any man who knows a thing knows he knows not a damn damn thing at all..."
Lupe does it again

I wish that I could be what I want to
I wish that I could do what I dont do
I need a miracle I hope I come through
Im tryna work it out I need a jump soon
Cuz Ive about had me enuff of not havin' enuff slacking and stuff

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010




G-Shocks are over rated and I have to get my hands on one!xD
-Ppl actually watch the Winter Olympics? xD
WOW. I just realized about two days ago that it was black history month-- the saddest thing about that is Im blackxD. Something that Ive realized is that in places (i.e school) that they do bring attention to black history month they only talk about people important to the Civil Rights movement like Martin Luther King and that pisses me off. There are tons of blacks out there doing BIG things and or did BIG and I plan on taking it upon myself to look for them