Saturday, January 30, 2010


Corruption is being spread among society through the media, and any and every type of entertainment. You can find satanic symbols in cartoons, music videos, money! The single best way to be controled is brainwashing. History is not even spared, books are flooded with lies. Followers fit perfectly into America's society, those who have minds of their own are not accepted. Like it or not we're all falling for this stupid crap which we're surrounded with every day. Hey most people don't beilieve in the illuminatis but all signs are there.

Enh maybe Im super paranoid haha >_>

Jay-Z D'evils, the title alone speakss for itself!
"Illuminati want my mind soul and body..."
"Where ya lighters at, where ya lighters at"
Lucifer- light bearer
Beyonce- Sasha fierce
alter ego...demon within?

Rocafellais definitely

"One who stands for nothing falls for anything"
Education for the soul mind and soul:

Sunday, January 24, 2010



Why'd she have to go and ruin redemption song?

Black and Gold

If they lose New Orleans will be devistated and pissed xD

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Pat Robertson claims that this earthquake is God's punishment for a "pact" they made with the devil. That's complete non-sense! The haitians wanted to gain independence from the French!Does wanting to be free and in control of yourself mean that your creating a "pact" with the devil? Haiti was a place were slaves received some of the worst treatments! Centuries back slaves were taken there to be "civilized" before being brought over to America--the slaves who were not able to be controled were left on the island,and others were taken as slaves for St.Domingue's colonist. In 1791 a slave rebellion took place and later evolved into the Hatian Revolution. When Napolean came in to take Haiti for the french like he did much of America he was having trouble defeating Toussaint Louverture(leader of the French Revolution) and his army of warriors! Since the french were at war there and in Europe funds were running low and he asked the Queen for money but she said no so he sold the Louisiana Purchase.Louverture governed Haiti until he was tricked by Napoleon and killed. Basically the people of Haiti are warriors and many Americans like to believe that they are 'rebels' and for that reason don't like them. ex. A lot of Haiti's rice crops(one of there biggest crops) were burned and many poor people were eating mud sandwhiches! Where was America when these people didn't have any food? If America cares so much about helping and providing aid why didn't they help with the genocide in Darfur?


Not only does he always put on for Haiti but he's doing his thing to get these people help!He was already dedicated before the earthquake and I'm pretty sure he will be after! Dont be cheeps!Donate!

It's been a while...

Just went back to school this week and it took me some time to get back into the motions. 4 out of 5 days this week ive been late to the bus and 3 were not even because I over slept... maybe just because I need to get my time and motions straight; I guess im just dragging in the morning and doing a whole lot of unecessary crap. This has been a long week and A LOT has happened! I see to many people havent been blogging lately, hopefully theyre out there doing some type of fundraisers for Haiti. On a good note the week is over and life is fine! Unfortunantly I havent done anything to get involved with everything thats going on ):, but I will be on my ones and twos next week. If people are going to donate I suggest they do it through Wyclef's Yele Haiti becuase he was there when they needed him before the earthquake, he's there now, and he'll be there when the media moves on to the next big story.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Yesterday I really lived up to my number!
11 points,4 assist,2 steals
Couldve had more if they didnt end the game because of a fight :/

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yeah,Yeah he says some cool stuff but he's still rapping about the same old stuff(money,cars,clothes)
There for I dont think he's ALL THAT.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year

I think I am taking a realist's point of view on the new year. I expect good and bad things to come but I can only take things one day at a time; I am not pessimistic nor am I optimistic. I am not really going into this year full fledged but I do expect to grow (duh). More friends, more shoes, new experiences! This year I have learned to not let things get under my skin and if things go wrong move on because living in the past won't help. The people that I am going into 2010 without probably do not matter and I am thankful for all the people that are with me :).

-- To be contiued ! xD

January 1, 2009

It still hasnt hit me yet...